It’s my one-year anniversary as a blogger for Psychology Today. Here are my most popular blogs with over 400,000 views.
Embracing Bitterness: The Benefits of Resentment
Like anger, resentment has a bad reputation. It’s often labeled as a “negative” emotion or is considered to be an emotion that needs to be fixed. Yet resentment can be a healthy emotion that has its benefits.
Why Forgiveness Isn’t Required in Trauma Recovery
Here’s why mandating or encouraging forgiveness can be detrimental to trauma survivors and create obstacles to their healing.
How Bottom-Up Treatment Can Address Trauma
Talk therapy doesn’t always work in treating trauma. Why? It’s a top-down treatment approach that typically targets the top step of your brain in order to access your lower steps. Talk therapy is like walking down your brain’s staircase. What if you walked up that staircase instead?
How Deep Breathing Can Worsen Trauma Responses
Taking a breath isn’t always the answer for trauma survivors. Here are a few situations in which focusing on or changing your breathing may not be effective in a trauma response.
6 Must-Read Books for Complex Trauma Survivors
Trauma survivors need validation, information, interventions, and hope regarding complex trauma. These books meet these needs.
10 Things Not to Say to Trauma Survivors
If you’re not sure what to say to a trauma survivor, try these 10 suggestions, while avoiding these 10 other common phrases.
Purchase my book, You Don’t Need to Forgive

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All blogs were previously published on the Simplifying Complex Trauma blog.
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thank you for this nice article and these useful informations
Very nice blog and articles. I am very happy to visit your blog.