Are you a trauma survivor? If so, have you considered attending a support group? I didn’t. In fact, I assumed there weren’t any support groups for trauma survivors, only therapy groups.
While researching my book, You Don’t Need to Forgive, I discovered that support groups can be beneficial for trauma survivors, and there are a variety in existence.
What is the difference between therapy and support groups? Therapy groups are organized and led by mental health clinicians while support groups are typically organized and led by a community members.
Here are six support groups for trauma survivors:
Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (ASCA) is a support group designed for adults who experienced neglect or physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse as children. This group uses a three-stage Recovery Framework with 21 steps. ASCA was created by The Norma J. Morris Center, which wrote a manual for participants that is available online, titled Survivor to Thriver. According to ASCA, meetings are designed to provide a safe place where participants can share their feelings and thoughts about their recovery. I participated in ASCA for one year and I found if extremely beneficial in my trauma treatment. If you’re a trauma survivor who wishes to focus specifically on trauma recovery, ASCA might be a good fit.
Adult Children of Alcoholics/Dysfunctional Families (ACA) is a group designed for adults who grew up in alcoholic or dysfunctional homes. Participants have experienced abuse, neglect, or other unhealthy behaviors in their childhood home, with or without the presence of alcohol or drugs. These group follow a Twelve Step, Twelve Tradition program. ACA reports that participants are encouraged to discuss what’s happening in their lives and how they are dealing with these issues, build a personal support network, and practice recovery and personal boundaries by giving service.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) provides support groups for individuals living in recovery with a mental health condition as well as their family and friends. These groups are facilitated by trained volunteers who have personal experience living with mental illness or have a family member living with mental illness. Some local chapters also have groups for parents of youths with mental illness. If you’re a trauma survivor who has a mental illness, NAMI might be a good fit.
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) organizes groups for people who have been diagnosed with a mood disorder or who believe they might have a mood disorder, as well as their family members and friends. DBSA states that groups give participants the opportunity to reach out and benefit from the experience of others who have been there; motivate participants to follow their treatment plan; help participants to understand that a mood disorder does not define who they are; help participants to rediscover their own strengths and humor; and provide a forum for mutual acceptance, understanding, and self-discovery.
Recovery International (RI) provides groups for people experiencing mental health issues. RI was developed by Abraham Low, MD. RI reports that its groups are based on a cognitive behavioral training method that helps members learn to identify and manage negative thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors that can lead to emotional distress and related physical symptoms.
Emotions Anonymous (EA) is a group program based on the 12 Steps of AA. This group is designed for anyone who is working toward recovery from any sort of emotional difficulty. EA states that the only requirement for membership is a desire to become well emotionally. These groups are volunteer led and follow a specific format and use materials that have been approved by the EA Board of Trustees, such as the book titled Emotions Anonymous.
If any of these support groups interest you, simply follow the links and/or contact your local chapter.
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